Our designs are directly inspired by nature’s beauty, which is one of the many reasons why we commit to producing and selling our jewellery as sustainably as possible. Protecting our environment is crucial, so we are proud to source responsibly, produce locally, recycle where we can, and continue to educate ourselves on how to be better.

“Reduce - Reuse - recycle”


We buy all of our gold from the Österreichische Gold und Silber Scheide Anstalt (ÖGUSSA) in Vienna. The majority of the gold is recycled, and the rest is sourced from fair mines. While the quality is identical to newly mined and refined gold, using recycled gold has many benefits:

  • Industrial mining uses many harmful chemicals, such as mercury and cyanide. These chemicals can never be fully contained and therefore harm both nature and workers. By using, cleaning, and re-using existing gold no additional chemicals are released and a fraction of the energy is used.

  • There is less demand for new mines to be created, allowing the surrounding nature to thrive uninterrupted.

  • Gold is recycled and reused locally, shortening transport emissions.


We produce our pieces in Austria, with some work being done in Germany. This guarantees short transportation and ensures fair working conditions for all involved. We carefully research our collaborators and have built a trusted network of goldsmiths, engravers, and stone setters in and around Vienna.


The ethical sourcing of diamonds is very important to us. We offer customers a variety of options to find the perfect, sustainable diamond for their piece.

World diamond council logo, nachhaltiger Schmuck, Katie g. Jewellery


We work exclusively with a fully certified local stone dealer that operates under the so called “Kimberley Process” to ensure that our natural diamonds are officially sourced from conflict-free areas of the world.

Co2 neutraler Schmuck, nachhaltiger Schmuck, Katie g. Jewellery


In recent years lab grown or synthetic diamonds have improved so drastically that they have become chemically identical to natural diamonds, they are just as beautiful and just as hard yet are more affordable. The company we work with furthermore uses carbon offsetting to produce their stones completely carbon neutral.

Erbstück ring, nachhaltiger Schmuck, Katie g. Jewellery


We love to re-use diamonds from much loved heirloom pieces. If you have jewellery with a stone you would like to use for a new piece, please make an appointment at our atelier for us to evaluate it. We’ll be happy to let you know if the stone is suitable for the piece you want to use it in.

Jewellery thats maDE to last

Katie g. pieces are designed to last a lifetime and, if you treat them well, maybe many more. Our jewellery is not fast fashion which will ultimately end in a landfill, these pieces are made to be treasured as lifelong companions.

Women for women

We support the organisation Women for Women International. Their proceeds go towards helping women in conflicted areas of the world learn skills, get support, and gain independence. Please visit to learn more about their great efforts.

Ring collage, nachhaltiger Schmuck, Katie g. Jewellery